
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Paper Proposal: COVID-19; The Great Equalizer or The Great Divider?

   History repeats itself and this is blatantly obvious when examining COVID-19 and its impact on BIPOC. For generations, Blacks have been at a disadvantage, and not just from a socio-economic perspective. Regardless of financial status, BIPOC are still suffering and dying at a much higher rate than Whites. Research indicates that the trauma and stress resulting from decades of structural legacies of racism is a key factor that must be addressed when considering why BIPOC are hardest hit by the pandemic. Living conditions, low-wage jobs, and lack of quality of healthcare all play a role in the transmission of the virus. However, it goes much deeper than these factors. The structural and systemic generations of racism have inflicted unimaginable trauma and stress upon certain groups of people, ultimately impacting their physical health.     How do we use this virus to create systemic change for BIPOC? What can we learn from the virus as certain communities were hardest hit by the pandem